Solar Power – For Everyone

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Business, Lifestyle & Hobby

Solar Power  – For Everyone …. 

“Yes, I have heard the name. Kannan Uncle has solar installed on their terrace. They say it has been a great addition, and the system has served them well”.

But I have some queries:

“Do we need it?”, 

“How does it work” 

“Isn’t it costly?”, 

“Can it be added to my existing electrical setup?”, 

“Is Solar Energy really for me?”

It’s not only you who have such questions, This is the actual state of adaptation of the concept of solar energy in our country. Its existence is known, but personal experience is still rare.

The Indian society, in general, is in a state of upgrade. Observed by many as the fastest developing economy, the technological & industrial developments are happening at a breakneck pace. The change is not just industrial – it’s in agriculture, rural life, urban commute, lifestyle choices, everywhere. And all this progress results in massive energy demands. These high demands, which are fulfilled mostly by traditional non-renewable energy sources, not only negatively affect the environment but also the economics of a common man.

This naturally has called for an advancement of available alternates. And solar energy has emerged as most preferred, robust and versatile solution. Unlike the non-renewable sources which provide more than 80% of power supply in India, solar electricity generated through the panels provide no carbon pollution, no other waste products and require no raw materials other than sunlight, which is available in abundance for free 24×7 globally. It immunes you against load shedding or power cuts to ensure a continuous power supply. You can become a Prosumer (Producer as well as consumer) of energy, which opens an opportunity to export power to the grid and get paid for it, yes you can earn while saving adequately on your energy bills. We would like to harp on the important question, “Who should go for solar power?” To be precise if you wish to:

  • harness the power of Sun, which comes free and is available abundantly in most parts of India
  • reduce their ever rising energy costs by utilizing the roof top space to generate clean energy, as much as possible.
  • reduce dependency on the grid supply
  • go for the sustainable solution with long term financial benefits with return on investments to start from day-1 of commissioning
  • reduce carbon foot print and cares for the environment

You can go for Solar, and we can enable the solar possibilities for you!

We have observed it… over the last few years, we see a desire to shift towards cleaner, more reliable and affordable electricity sources. There has been a remarkable increase in usage of rooftop solar panels in commercial, institutional and large residential establishments. Which is not just because it helps reduce their carbon footprint, it actually saves them big money in long run.

“What is Solar Rooftop & how it works?”

Simply put, Rooftop Solar Panel is a Photovoltaic (PV) System which consists of an array of Solar Cells. Which for maximum exposure to the Sun, is mounted on the rooftop. When sunlight falls on the cells made of semiconductor materials, electrons are set into motion, which generates the electricity. This electricity can be used to charge the batteries, or via an inverter can be directed towards the house’s electrical system.

Integrating this new setup with any current electrical network is easy. Just like installing an inverter, with or without battery backup, only requires a couple of drills and few wiring changes, fairly simple and clean. A home can use this solar power for specific applications, and if the demand is too high, can always grab more power from the grid. Conversely, if the solar system is creating more electric energy than the home/society needs and the setup is big enough, it can send that power out into the grid (Yes!!). And note that, it’s a myth that solar panel doesn’t work in winter or rainy season. It does works, though with lesser generation. Still, with the advancement in technology and a good design, most of the places in India have the potential of generating on an average over 4 units of electricity per day. So what are you thinking!

“Ummm…. Cost?”

Government initiatives, reductions in the technology prices, innovative financing options combined with the growing networks of solar installers have helped drive down the prices drastically. So solar rooftop is a cost effective solution even for individual home owners, societies, small business, educational institutions and commercial establishments. The government of India has fixed benchmark rates to protect the interest of consumers and have also empaneled selected few agencies to undertake solar rooftop projects in the country. Rest assured, if you chose right solar enabler, you can reap the benefits from the blessing from Sun God. All you need is approximately 100-110 sqft of shadow free area on your rooftop to install per kW of solar panels.

Another question that may be of interest is, What about the maintenance of solar rooftop system? A solar panel based rooftop plant generally requires very low maintenance and run for a long time as compared to the traditional DG sets. Although, initial costs of solar panels may seem to be little high, as there are no recurring costs it makes it very economical in long run.

“How do I get started?”

Every consumer can have different requirements & problems. At enPossibilities (www.enPossibilities.comwe provide tailor-made,  end to end Solar Energy solutions. We are channel partner empaneled with MNRE, Govt of India to execute solar roof top projects and other small solar projects. Our clean energy project portfolio includes project designing, financing, engineering, procurement, construction, testing, commissioning, and operations and maintenance services for solar power plants both rooftop and ground mounted types. We provide customized guidance and proper assistance to assess and select the product. We ensure that ‘Solar Power is For Everyone’ on their respective rooftops with an option of distributed installation, where more solar panels can be added later if needed.

We welcome any form of inquiry, which can spread knowledge and awareness about Solar Solutions and enable Solar Possibilities for you. Because adopting clean energy is not only an opportunity but also a responsibility!

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