How to Know the Right Solar Panel Direction for My House

by | Jan 12, 2023 | solar panel

It is generally accepted that the sun moves across the sky from east to west. However, the sun’s path across the sky during the day is more complex. What’s the big deal, anyway? The most significant solar panels can only be purchased after first learning about the sun’s complicated movements in your location.

Although the Earth moves in a uniform path across the sky every day, its actual path around the sun will vary depending on your location on Earth.

Realizing the significance of your solar panels’ direction and angle requires only a fundamental familiarity with the sun’s motion through the sky. This article will describe the importance of solar panel orientation and angle choices on your system’s overall performance. This will put you in a position to succeed by allowing you to learn under what conditions your solar panels from solar panel dealership in India will function at their best.

The optimal angle for solar panels from solar panel dealership in India 

As a general rule, solar panels perform best when pointed south.

Generally, panels facing south will produce the maximum energy and have the shortest payback period.

South-facing panels are the most economically advantageous for maximum solar energy production, maximum net metering benefits, and optimal use of solar batteries.

If you want your solar panels supplied by solar panel supplier in India to produce the most energy, face them south

Generally speaking, solar panels in the United States produce the maximum energy when oriented such that the panels face south.

Due to its orbit, the sun always appears to be shining above the Equator. Its course is fixed, never deviating above the Tropic of Cancer at 23.4 degrees north latitude. Anyone living north of that line experiences the sun, always in the southern part of the sky.

To maximize the sunlight your solar panels absorb, it is best to keep them pointed south

The ideal orientation for a net metering residence is south.

The optimal orientation for solar panels in a net metering system is south.

Power production from south-facing solar panels supplied by solar panel supplier in India is maximized in the middle of the day.

During this period, residential energy consumption is typically at its lowest, leaving you with a surplus of solar energy. You can sell your extra electricity to the grid with net metering and get paid handsomely.

When using solar batteries, the south is ideal

You should put your panels south if you want a battery storage system.

Despite fulfilling the daytime energy needs of your home, the higher power output of south-facing panels will allow you to charge your solar batteries to capacity.

Your solar battery will supply your home with electricity at night and be a backup if the power grid goes down, so remember to charge it!

TOU rates are more favorable from the south to the southwest

If your utility company uses Time of Use (TOU) billing, the optimal direction for your solar panels is between the south and southwest.

When time-of-use (TOU) billing is in effect, utilities often impose peak rates (the highest possible rate) on electricity use between 4 and 8 p.m.

Any solar electricity you can generate during the late afternoon/evening hours is beneficial because of the high cost of grid power under TOU.

Positioning your solar panels so they face southwest will maximize the light they receive from the setting sun in the late afternoon and evening.

What’s the catch? Concerning daily solar output, panels oriented toward the southwest could be more effective.

Solar panels should be oriented nearly due south in regions where peak electricity rates are twice as high as off-peak rates (2x) and towards the southwest in areas where peak rates are three times as high as off-peak rates (or more).

If you know your area’s TOU billing rates, your solar installer can tell you which direction your roof should face maximizing energy production.

Depending on the shape of your roof, it may or may not be possible to install your solar panels in the optimal position. Is it still worth installing solar panels if you plan to use them sparingly? The solar calculator, which considers factors like your roof’s orientation and your utility’s time-of-use (TOU) billing rates, is the quickest and most convenient method to get an idea.

The exposure you’ll get from this will do wonders for your company. Which is more important, the orientation or placement of solar panels?

While the inclination of your solar panels does affect energy production, panel orientation is more crucial. The sun is constantly in the northern hemisphere’s southern half of the sky. Hence solar panels should be oriented southward for optimal performance, as previously described.

Even if the best tilt is achieved, there are better choices than installing solar panels with less-than-ideal orientation. Solar panels angled at 30 degrees south will still generate more power in Boston than at 42 degrees north.

While finding your property’s optimal solar panel angle is simple, you should still consult a trained professional for equipment recommendations and installation. Free solar installation quotes are available on the enPossibilities from our qualified, pre-vetted solar panel distributors in India who can tailor a solar energy system to your specific needs. Leave a message on your profile letting potential installers know you’re interested in discussing the tilt of your solar panels.